SBS Farm

The SBS Farm


In July 2024 we were fortunate to win a DfE Grant aimed at extending our current after-school club provision. We were informed that our innovative idea to set up a school farm for pupils at SBS and within the local area had inspired the panel at Hampshire Local Authority which is responsible for administering the DfE grant.

Farm Goals

  1. To provide an outdoor learning space for after-school activities.

  2. To enhance learning experiences for all pupils attending SBS.

  3. To provide a resource valued by the local community.

Farm Team

Sally Strugnell is our new farm leader. Sally has a significant amount of experience working in outdoor environments with children aged between 4-18 years of age. Sally also has a wealth of interest and a love of animals. Being the SBS Farm Leader is therefore her dream job!

Chris Howard, our Site manager, has hours available in the mornings to support the maintenance of the farm and particularly growing projects.

The SBS Farm will

  • Support the care and understanding of animals.

  • Provide opportunities to grow, harvest and cook vegetables and fruits from raised beds, greenhouses and an orchard.

  • Provide a space to learn about sustainable living and heritage crafts.

  • Provide links specifically to the Science and Art curriculums. Provide opportunities for personal, emotional and social development.

  • Set up links with local charities, farms and outdoor learning providers to enhance the work we do.