SBS Farm Blog January

The children attending South Baddesley are very fortunate to live and go to school in an area of stunning countryside and to have strong links with nature and opportunities for outdoor learning and fun already – not to mention, lots of mud! Together with the strong sense of community and very involved parents the level of excitement has been high ever since the plans for a school farm were announced.

Welcome to our first farm blog – a regular chance for you to keep up to date with developments and find out how you can get involved in the venture.

The initial plans are to provide outdoor learning space for the after-school club and enhance the daily experiences and curriculum links for the whole school as well as gradually develop a resource that can benefit the whole community. This grant application was made in July 2024 to expand the after-school provision and the SBS application has been successful!

I have been fortunate to spend an hour with Mrs Sally Strugnell, recently appointed Farm Leader and can advise that her enthusiasm for the project is truly inspiring and she has many years of relevant experience and the qualifications and skills to really take this forward. SBS site manager, Mr Chris Howard, will also be on hand to support with maintenance, growing and animal husbandry (and to cover her farm duties when she is on leave). Mrs Strugnell is working in the after-school club already and told me this is her dream job, combining working with children, arts and crafts, horticulture and caring for animals. She is also adept at many heritage crafts and very keen to contribute to the healthy lifestyles and good nutrition that involving children in a school farm can enhance.

Involving children in growing food, caring for animals and outdoor activities has proven benefits for their emotional health, sense of well-being, confidence and taking responsibility. The Schools Farm Network has evidenced the acquisition of transferable skills, improvements in behaviour, enrichment and a sense of awe and wonder amongst children given the opportunity to be part of a school farm. It teaches them patience, chances to work together and gain a real sense of pride and accomplishment.

There are many organisations to which SBS is already making links for advice, ideas and information including Natural England, the Wildlife Trust, the Countryside Education Trust, city farms and many groups that can support and supply resources.

Paramount to the setting up and success of the SBS farm is health and safety – risk assessing and taking time to ensure the safety of children and livestock. The children will learn to handle animals and equipment carefully and this will enable them to learn empathy and the effects of their actions. The use of produce and resources will also be carefully addressed too, with input from environmental health experts.

Very soon a project plan and diagrams will be produced to share with everyone interested, but meanwhile these are the provisional ideas under consideration: -

  • Meadow area – needs to retain a clear safe pathway and keep animals away from the yew trees – main grazing area and site for chicken coop and runs; similar space and housing for rabbits. Some clearance and boundary work along roadside to enable retention of safe blackberry picking and small orchard trees

  • Wilderness area – pond to be assessed and advice taken re wildflower planting; seating to be repaired and possible duck run - all dependent on further investigation

  • Fruit cage and raised beds to be repaired and replanted

  • Willow dome to be tidied and possible addition or sensory planting

  • Back of car park – land needs clearing and surveying – potential pig area

The children are very keen to know what animals there might be – so far it is anticipated there will be chickens, rabbits, ducks and pigs. Possibilities are for alpacas as they can be halter -trained, but possibly a few sheep. Currently there is insufficient grazing to consider donkeys or other larger animals, and it is vital that there is room to rest the grazing and ensure the animals have plenty of space when put away at the end of the day. The age, size and temperament of animals will also be considered.

In the early months the horticultural activity will concentrate on plants with a good turnaround e.g. sunflowers, potatoes and fruit and vegetables so children quickly achieve results.

Longer term it is hoped that the farm can become self-sustaining with wraparound care, possibly holiday clubs and children parties, for example. A log cabin behind the hall would be wonderful for space during inclement weather for those attending.

Right now, what can you do to help?

  • Look out for the plans and designs

  • Offer your ideas and practical help

  • Sign up for working parties when the farm is ready for each stage of development – the farm will need lots of help, skills and energy

  • Follow progress and add your thoughts and suggestions on the Google Classroom farm page

  • Be patient – doing things well and with all the risk assessments in place will take time!

Suzanne - Nanna to Lara Rose in Gruffalo Class


SBS Farm Blog February